April 3, 2010

A Sneaky Way to Burn Extra Calories throughout the Day without Even Trying

by Mary Lou Kayser in Strategy16 Comments

If you work from home like I do, you probably sit in front of your computer for several hours a day. Common knowledge tells us that too much sitting and not enough body movement can result in several health problems including weight gain, muscle atrophy, and back problems.

While I am committed to a daily exercise routine, I also know that I sit way more than I used to. Therefore, I am always interested in finding little ways to burn extra calories throughout the day. As a result of experiencing some back problems from prolonged sitting, I discovered that the solution to my back problems also brought with it the side benefit of helping me burn up to 350 extra calories a day!

What is this incredible and sneaky way to burn off that glazed donut or mega mocha-chino with extra whip you couldn’t resist this morning? 🙂

Replace your office chair with a big exercise ball. Not only will you do your back a favor, but sitting on a ball throughout the day rather than a chair as you type up your blog or write your PPC campaigns or update your Twitter and Facebook posts will result in you burning extra calories.

Some other benefits of using an exercise ball as a chair include:

1. Get those 6-pack abs you want. On a ball, your core has to work to keep you stable. It may not seem like much, but think about it: with 6-10 hours of sitting on one a day, you can be rock solid in no time.
2. Improve your circulation. More body movement means your blood will be flowing throughout your body all day long. More circulation = Good. Less circulation = bad. (Ever notice that sometimes after sitting in a chair too long your legs go numb? Enough said.)
3. Feel more energized. Studies have proven that moving around throughout the day actually increases your energy, not the other way around. Sitting on a ball is not a static proposition. Too much static sitting can result in greater fatigue.
4. Get “The Cool Factor”. Let’s face it: most people don’t sit on a big ball all day at work. You will gain an automatic Cool Factor just because you choose something outside the norm. Plus, it’s simply a lot of fun!

A good quality exercise ball comes in a variety of colors and costs anywhere between $25-$80. A steal when compared to those high-priced office chairs that will not facilitate calorie burning and may cause long-term damage to your back.

I made the transition from using a chair to a ball this week and so far, I feel a tremendous difference already in how my back feels. Knowing I’m getting that extra calorie burn makes me feel pretty good, too!

Be sure to pass this post along so others can get in on this sneaky extra calorie-burning secret, too!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Hey Mary Lou, what a great tip. I actually have a friend who teaches and her classroom utilizes exercise balls for the students to sit on. Thanks for sharing!

  • Mary Lou this is a great idea! I am at my desk about 10 hours a day so it should be interesting! It seems like it would hurt your back – maybe I will start out with half a day on the ball and the rest of the day in a chair. I’ll let you know how it goes!

  • Hi Jan, Sitting on the ball is actually more comfortable than it might seem. I like your idea of starting with smaller bursts and working your way up to a full day. I look forward to hearing your feedback!

  • Oh my gosh Mary Lou – you may have just saved my butt – literally:) I have gained several pounds since I started this online venture and I know it is because I sit all day long. I am going to go out and get a ball today. Awesome!! Thanks

  • Mary Lou,
    I love this! It brings to mind pictures of everyone sitting on balls to do their work. Great visual! As funny as it first seemed, I see the benefits of this. Might be just the ticket!

    Thanks for making my day. Hmmm, what would they think if I brought an exercise ball to work? Te He 🙂

  • Hi Val, I think you absolutely need to show up with your ball at work! You might start a really great wellness trend with your colleagues!

  • That is a great thing to do.I use to do it most of the time until I moved my ball to my exercise room. I need to have another one for my office. Thanks for the reminder of how good that is for me.

  • I can’t say enough about this change in my daily routine. Wouldn’t it be great if at some point every office had giant balls instead of chairs?

  • Hey Mary Lou,

    What a FABULOUS idea! I for one, spend so much time at the computer that I’m sure this will help me in a lot of ways.

    Thanks so much for the suggestion… I’m off… going to get an exercise ball!
    (…and maybe a donut)

  • Hi Chris, You will notice a difference in your core strength if you make the switch from a chair to a ball. It is really amazing… Let me know how it goes for you, OK?

  • Hi Mary Lou!

    This is awesome. I am very overweight and the last thing I need to be doing is sitting all day. I have actually been wondering about this, so it is great that I came across your post. I will ask for a ball for Mother’s Day!

    I can see that I will benefit tremendously from friends like you who are subtly encouraging me to get moving!

    Thank you!

    Mentor Mama

  • Hi Mentor Mama! Terrific idea for a gift! Make sure to ask for an “anti-burst” ball…that’s very important for obvious reasons! The higher end fitness stores carry them, and you can also find them online if you Google “anti burst exercise ball.” Let me know how it goes! 🙂

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