Overcome Writers Block

It happens to all writers.

You sit down to write — for your blog, for your marketing campaign, for your email auto-responder series — only to find yourself staring at the screen, your mind blank for what to write about.

So you get up, walk past the sink full of dirty dishes for the 20th time, grab a snack, maybe throw a load of laundry into the washing machine.

Basically you will do ANYTHING to avoid sitting in torment waiting for an idea — any idea — to magically and deliciously come to you.

Welcome to what is affectionately known as Writers Block.

It happens to ALL writers, even the best writers you know and love.

And, while annoying, writers block isn’t something to be overly concerned about.

It isn’t a disease.

It isn’t contagious.

But it WILL strike from time to time.

When it does, the world seems like one big unfair ugly mess of a thing and you go into a funk, feeling sorry for yourself, wondering why the words seem to flow so perfectly and eloquently all the time from other online writers like Darren Rowse. (Hint — they don’t. Even Darren Rowse gets writers block.)

The good news is, overcoming writers block can be as simple as visiting your local grocery store check out line.

Say what?

You read that correctly.

One solution to overcoming writers block is to visit your local grocery store’s check out line.

This is where you will find an enormous amount of terrific material to write about.

Just about every human problem ever is right there, staring back at you from those glossy covers of magazines like People, Star, Time, The National Enquirer.

You see, nine out of ten cases of writers block stems from the writer not having any ideas to write about.

But ideas are all around us, everywhere you look.

Really juicy ideas surround you as you unload your cartons of milk, boxes of Fruit Loops, bags of carrots, packages of chicken onto the conveyor belt.

Every one of those publications from Cosmopolitan to Better Homes and Gardens is chock full of problems people have and want solutions to.

And problems are any writer’s nirvana.

Who knew the grocery store check out line was such a goldmine!

Honestly, all it takes is one teaser headline from any of those glossies to overcome writers block for weeks. (Yes, even the “My Son Was Abducted by Aliens that Look Like Elephants” headlines can work!)


Stay tuned for my next post in which I will show you how to take one simple magazine teaser headline and transform it into a blog post.

In the meantime, it’s time for a field trip. Go visit your local grocery store and see what you can find. Bring along a small notebook or, if you are super high-tech, punch in some notes on your Smart Phone.

And please share what you discover! Our audience wants to know. Leave your comments and pass along the post to others!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    A creative way to defeat writer’s block which you share with us.

    As you mentioned problems are a writer’s nirvana and the checkout line offers you many problems in the form of magazines.

    As for writer’s block we are surrounded by unlimited ideas 24-7, 365. It’s up to us to dissolve any blockage we might have and tune into the flow.

    Thanks for sharing your insight.

    Ryan Biddulph

  • Thank you, Ryan! Writing can be daunting for many people when they feel as if they have nothing to write about. Often that problem can be solved with some simple tips for where to find topics, like in the grocery store check out line!

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    That’s an interesting place to come up with ideas for your blog! 🙂

    I just hope in your next post, you’ll be showing us how to turn the ‘My Son Was Abducted by Aliens that Look Like Elephants’ headline in to a blog post. Now that really WOULD be interesting lol!


  • Hi Mary Lou,

    Thank you so much for this post…it is reassuring to know that I am not alone. This has been one of my biggest challenges as of late, thus the gap in between blog posts…lol! I luv the idea that you shared ~ something I had not yet thought of myself. I look forward to getting caught up with you on our group call next Tuesday ~ Hope you have a fantastic weekend 🙂


  • Hi Christine, All writers hit blocks from time to time. I think it’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself because that can cause a block all on its own! Like anything else in life, writing is a skill and will develop with disciplined practice. You already have a ton of material inside you to write about! Perhaps this can be one of our discussion topics on a call this month.

  • Hi Val, I get such a kick out of those crazy headlines and I figured everyone else does too. Glad I made you laugh! Some of life’s absurdities are just too good to ignore. 🙂

  • Haha, I thought this “Writers Block” was only on me. I guess everybody has it too. 🙂

    Well, for me I could just simply browse anything on the web every time this Writers Block occures.

    Thanks for the Advice Mary.

  • Couldn’t agree more. Before I start writing, I go out and start talking to people whether that is in the supermarket aisles or the local post office – I ask questions and listen and always an idea and words come to me about my next post.

    People tell you what they want to know about.

    I have learned that I cannot just sit and write because it is time for my next post. I gather my inspiration from people around me, and the words just appear. No pressure, no problems.

  • Hi Brenda, You are so right about people telling us what they want to know about. I imagine your writing satisfies many readers because you write with their interests in mind! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject.

  • Good stuff! Begin with the end in mind……I am new to blogging but will follow leaders like you. Keep up the good work. I am an entrepreneur and finance expert so let me know how I can help you.

    Jeff Jenson

  • Congratulations on your blogging beginnings, Jeff. There is so much to learn but the rewards are worth the investment. As a finance guy, you will appreciate that!

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