August 8, 2010

The Most Powerful Marketing Force Today (And How to Cash in on It)

by Mary Lou Kayser in Strategy21 Comments

For anyone building a business today, whether online or offline, there are many marketing strategies to choose from.

The Internet has opened up doorways to sales success that businesses a generation ago only dreamed about.

And many “old school” techniques like attending local networking events bring consistent and fantastic results for many small business owners.

But one marketing force in particular is more powerful today than any other.

People who use it that readers will recognize include Oprah, Jon Stewart, Dr. Oz, and Simon Cowell. People who use it that readers won’t necessarily recognize include Dan Kennedy, Kris Ruby, Darren Williger, and Darcelle.

And no, I am not talking about personal branding, although personal branding is a part of it.

So what is this most powerful marketing force I’m referring to?

It’s called celebrity, and having it is the fastest way of blasting your business into the stratosphere.

In a nutshell, celebrity is when other people are writing and talking about you in publications, on television, on the radio, or on the Internet.

The great news about celebrity is you don’t need a level of fame “as seen on Oprah” to cash in on this force. Some of the wealthiest people have names no one has ever heard of (like the list I wrote above), those “millionaires next door” Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko wrote about in their best-selling book The Millionaire Next Door.

Mike Dillard is another perfect example of someone who has achieved celebrity status among a certain group of people, namely Internet and Network Marketers, yet retains his anonymity in a general sense: the perfect combination of privacy and publicity, in my opinion.

A terrific goal for any small business owner is to become famous among a select few, and go from there. Not only will you not have paparazzi camped out on your front lawn night and day hoping to catch a shot of you picking your nose as you walk outside to get the morning paper, but you will also be privvy to traveling around anonymously while still reaping the benefits of your fame.

The key to success with using celebrity as a marketing force to boost your business sales is to strategically and selectively seek out publicity, rather than allow the whims of fate to determine it.

Some specific ways to gain celebrity include but are not limited to the following ideas:

  • Write a book
  • Become known locally as an expert on something and volunteer to speak at local meetings like Chamber of Commerce luncheons or Rotary Club gatherings
  • Send out press releases about small wins in your business
  • Create free webinars in your area of expertise and invite your social media friends to attend

Becoming a celebrity in this day and age doesn’t take as long as it once did, but it still requires planning and effort. If you are truly serious about moving your business to the next level, the power of being a celebrity will serve you well.

What are your experiences with celebrity? Do you have direct experience with this marketing force or know someone personally who does? If you have reached celebrity status, what was the journey like for you? Tell us about it and leave your comments! And do pass along to your friends in the Social Media communities!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Hi Mary Lou
    What a great post and wonderful ideas, love the “celebrity” idea. If we are marketers, we need to get creative to be seen and what better way than creating yourself as a “celebrity”
    Thanks Mary Lou great value here.

  • Mary Lou,
    You always have such novel ideas that make so much sense! Makes me say – why didn’t I think of that! LOL
    Seriously, this is a great way to boost your credibility and presence. I really like the way you think,
    Val 🙂

  • Hi Val, You are one of the people who I believe is building celebrity status among the blogging and tribe community, so get ready! I see big things coming your way soon… 🙂

  • Hi Kaye, Always appreciate your votes of confidence! The more we support and syndicate each other through the Tribe, the more we help each other build up celebrity status. It’s a true win-win for all!

  • Gotta think on this Mary. I like my privacy, but I want Celebrity. But not bad enough to 3 of the 4 suggestions above. Writing a book might fit if I live long enough. Good stuff Mary and I will ponder this. Who knows I may become a “Celebrity in my own Mind”

  • Hi Mary Lou, great article. I think the celebrity status is something to definitely keep an eye on. You’re among those we should be watching. Thanks for sharing this info with us.


    David Haines

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    You are absolutely right-on in your assessment of: (1) the value of celebrity (thank goodness it doesn’t NORMALLY entail paparazzi), and (2) the specific methods you suggest that we can employ to develop our celebrity (in addition to branding).

    Gary Vaynerchuk addresses this phenomena pretty thoroughly in “Crush It.”

    There is another “pillar” we can use to gain celebrity. . .well crafted surveys.

    Not only can survey’s help us design products, services and trainings our “list” will be falling all over themselves to purchase (as well as the best price point(s) and their preferred delivery system).

    If used properly they can also be used to create a tremendous amount of PR and an ever increasing demand for your continually “updated data” from the press.

    Thanks for another great chunk of info for us to use in our enterprises. Looking forward to your next post.


    PS I’ll be writing about SURVEYS in an upcoming blog post soon.

  • Hi Mary Lou,
    Great post with lots to think about. I will take notes on this one. Dan Kennedy really ‘opened my eyes’ to these concepts about 25 years ago…but I dozed. Thanks for waking me up and adding a fresh look at ‘Celebrity’.

  • I love this blog!!! These are the strategies I used years ago in my brick and mortar business. It exploded after I wrote a book, was guest speaker on radio, and published in some magazines. It is the best way to make yourself a celebrity. Thanks for sharing these wonderful secrets of marketing.

  • Hello Marylou,

    I love this topic and idea of using the force of celebrity status to grow your business. Great tips on how you can engineer the development of your celebrity status.

    You have me thinking on how I can incorporate the power of celebrity status in my marketing and business development.


    Thank you,


  • Hi Faith, I already see you as a celebrity, what with how much exposure you have on Facebook and other social media sites! The next level of your celebrity will be even sweeter, though, and I see that coming for you very soon! 🙂

  • Hi Donna, It should not be long until your online businesses and causes will start being recognized in other media, as I see the blending of traditional media and new media coming very very soon. With the value you share and the passion you possess for what you do, your message will be picked up and spread for sure!

  • I am a new student of Dan Kennedy’s and I absolutely cannot get enough of his ideas and strategies for selling, marketing, and building a profitable business. It would be fun to compare notes with you sometime!

  • Thank you, Joe, for your thoughtful response. Surveys are definitely a powerful tool, one I have yet to master using in my overall marketing strategy. I love Gary V and his book Crush It…he has so much value to share. I look forward to reading your blog post about writing surveys!

  • David, I am honored you believe that! 🙂 I think celebrity is something we can embrace without getting too heady about it. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog.

  • AH Nelson…the universal conflict between privacy and publicity…so hard to find that perfect balance between the two! I think in many ways you have already reached celebrity status with many people on the web. You certainly have a large fan base! 🙂

  • Thanks Mary Lou, valuable info and so very inspiring. Simple, straightforward and to the point and yet totally escaped me until I read in Blue on your blog!!

  • I was very interested in this when I found out about the Halo effect. That’s the effect even local celebrities have where people say, “he’s right because he is on tv”.

    I noticed people speaking tome a little differently after I was plastered on the front page of the money section of my local newspaper. For some reason people tended to believe me more and come to me for advice.

    So I for one can say this really does work and I am working my way back into celebrity status and regain my “halo”


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