March 4, 2010

Why Saying Thank You Will Increase the Value of Your Personal Brand 100-Fold

by Mary Lou Kayser in Writing12 Comments

Take a minute and think about the last hand-written thank you note you received.

I bet you could tell me the name of the person who wrote it and some details about the day you got it.

And you know what? I would also bet that whoever that person is has a pretty high quality quotient with you.

The last thank you note I received in the mail came from the Director of Sales and Marketing for the company I am affiliated with. In it, she expressed her gratitude to me for spending a day at a local farm volunteering with other company leaders as part of our company’s cultural commitment to charity and giving back to our communities. Because it was unexpected, and so sincere, I treasured it for days, and obviously remember it clearly. I still have it, too, in a box I keep special treasures in. Hand-written notes that come in the mail ALWAYS get in that box!

That is how powerful heart-felt words of gratitude can be.

When it comes to adding value to our personal brands, sincere expressions of gratitude can really change the way others think of us. With each thanks we give, we make a deposit into someone’s emotional bank account that can last a long time. Doing this regularly spreads our wealth around and creates trust with the people we serve and do business with. Over time, our brand develops a positive reputation, one that people are attracted to and talk about. Ultimately, this is what anyone in business wants.

It truly is amazing how small, simple things like saying thanks can carry us so far. And it doesn’t take that long! Imagine how many deposits you could make over the next 30 days if you wrote once a day a brief yet genuine note of thanks? In a month’s time, you would have added tremendous value not only to each of those 30 lives, but to your own as well.

Watch this Short Video about taking the 30-Day Thank You Note Challenge!

Now…I know some of you out there work for a company that is based on this concept of sending cards to others. It is a fabulous company and concept, so if that is the platform you wish to use, go for it! Honestly, the point is making a commitment to write — and send — one thank you card a day for the next 30 days…and I would encourage you not to try to speed things along by writing 10 on one day, then waiting a week and writing 10 more, all on the same day. That’s like saying you are going to start an exercise program this month then cram all 30-minute sessions into one day, for 15 hours of exercise straight and then proclaiming you worked out this month.

No, the point is to create a daily discipline of gratitude that reaches outside of yourself. 🙂

So… who’s with me? Who will you thank today? And tomorrow? And the next day? Think about all sorts of people you come into contact with each and every day…the barista at Starbucks who always gets your coffee just right. The receptionist at your chiropractor’s office. The crossing guard at your kids school. Your 6th grade teacher. There will be obvious names that come to mind, and I encourage you to stretch yourself here. So many people have impacted us positively in small simple ways. How cool to recognize them for that!

I am going to do it and blog about it periodically as the next 30 days go along. Let me know if you pick up the Gratitude Gauntlet! Post your comments here or send me an email. Would love to hear your stories here! 🙂


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • I love this idea, Mary Lou ~ it’s all about showing the love. And by expecting nothing in return, you will indeed increase your value and receive 100-fold!

    I have 5 people close to me with birthdays in May, so I think I’ll go for that month to set myself up to win! 😉 Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Hi Beth, May is a great month because spring is really in full bloom and energy is high! I hope you let me know how your experience goes…I am on Day #3 and I’m already loving it!

  • This is why you’re my daily read Mary. I have been sending out an unexpected card daily for several years. Of course in full disclosure I must reveal that the company I’m a part of was founded on this principle. I appreciate you bringing this simple act that yields so much good in the world to others.

  • When I first learned about SOC in 2005, I was so impressed with the concept. Clearly, it is one of those companies that figured out how much value can be created with sending real cards, blended with the power of technology to get it done! I applaud your discipline of sending “random cards of kindness” to people in your life, Nelson!

  • Mary Lou

    Great idea! You are right – I do remember the last hand written note that was sent to me and it does rank high on my quality quotient. I think I will give this a try too:)

  • What a great idea to spread and share the great feelings everyone gets and receives through a heart-felt Thank You. No attachment to the outcome…just saying thank you because you feel gratitude for another person.

    have an awesome day 🙂

  • I agree with you Mary Lou. Saying “Thank You!” is a great way of telling somebody just how much we appreciate a good deed done or a thoughtful gift given.

    Today, I am going to thank you Mary Lou for spreading this two words. This reminds us how important these two words.


  • Love the concept! For over 20 years I have send Birthday Cards to Clients. Every other year I send a Christmas card with the entire family on it. Its funny to walk in a clients home and see a card of my 25 year daughter as a little girl.

    They keep them and show them off to family and friends. You can really make a difference in a person life just with a simple Good Morning or How you doing today.


  • Thank you, Bill! You are obviously living your gratitude. How wonderful it must be to see those cards from all those years ago when you visit clients!

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    What a great thing to encourage others to do! I have always been a card sender. Years ago my trips to the stationary store were the highlights of my week! 🙂 These days I do belong to the company you mentioned in your post, a perfect fit for me. 🙂

    When you send a card and show appreciation to others you can’t be upset or angry with anything else. It makes you feel good, you create positive energy and then you send that energy out. That energy will come back to you ten-fold. I’ve had it happen. It is very powerful!

    Great post!


  • Hey Mary Lou,
    That is a fantasitc concept! Having gratitiude is a great way to show someone that you really care. It’s really important to show thanks in society today because not very many people do it.
    Debbie Turner

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