For anyone who works on computer or sits all day, you understand the physical side effects doing this has on the back and neck.
One solution I have found works great is sitting on an exercise ball. Watch the video here for more details about the benefits of sitting on an exercise ball have on your physique, psyche, and overall mood…
Almost two years ago, I wrote a post about sitting on an exercise ball while working on the computer and it was one of my most popular blog posts ever.
If you like this post, share your comments and pass it along! 🙂
Hey Mary Lou,
That was a funny thread we had going on, on Facebook! But your idea was by far the best!
Not that I didn’t believe you actually did sit on an exercise ball but it was great to see it in action 🙂
And thanks for the awesome tip re elevating your laptop. Even though I’ve been aware of this causing me chronic neck pain, sometimes it just takes someone to reiterate it before you make the change. I’m doing this one TODAY!
Hey Michaele… For some reason, sitting on an exercise ball while working on the computer gets a lot of people’s attention. I had fun making the video and wanted to show viewers it’s a doable thing and not weird. LOL
Elevating my laptop has helped with some of my neck issues, indeed. I recommend doing whatever you can, if you sit a lot of in front of the computer, to relieve your neck and back from that constant strain. Neck and back issues are definitely part of the dark side of our technological breakthroughs!
As always, appreciate you and your comments! 🙂
P.S. Had to come back and let you know that just elevating my laptop alone, has made a massive difference to my neck pain. Thank you, thank you!
I am happy that your neck is happier, Michaele! Any little thing we techies can do to help our posture is worth so much. 🙂