Picture this: You're sitting down with your future self over a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's more your style).

They're looking back at you with a knowing smile, ready to drop some truth bombs about your life choices. And trust me, they've got some nuggets of wisdom that'll make you sit up and take notice.

What will the “future you” say to the “today you” about what you’re thinking, believing, doing?

Fast forward to:

-1 year from now
-5 years from now
-20 years from now

Put any category you’re thinking about into the equation:


Advice from Your Future Self

Let's start with the green stuff – money, something we all love and if we are being 100 percent honest, would like more of.

Your future self might give you a friendly nudge to start saving and investing pronto. No more blowing cash on impulse buys or fancy gadgets you don't really need. I’m hearing my kids voices echoing through my head here -- MOM! Do you really need ANOTHER purse???

Or it may give you two thumbs up because you’ve been investing and living within your means all along.

But maybe you haven’t been enjoying some of your hard-earned money and it’s telling you to book that cruise to the Galapagos or two weeks in Tuscany with your best friend.

It's time to think differently about money and set yourself up for financial freedom down the road.

Now, onto the health front. Your future self is all about that self-care game. This goes way beyond regular manis and pedis.

They'll remind you to ditch the drive through because you’re tired and hit the gym (or the yoga mat, if that's more your vibe). Because let's face it – your body is your temple, and it deserves some TLC.

But it's not all about the Benjamins and burpees. Your future self also has some pearls of wisdom when it comes to relationships. They'll tell you to cherish those meaningful connections because everyone won’t always be around.

They’ll encourage you to communicate like a pro even if it’s difficult. After all, life's too short for drama and misunderstandings. Avoiding the hard conversations that often weren’t so hard in hindsight won’t get you what you want most -- to feel good about who you spend time with.

And let's not forget about your professional life and passions. Your future self is cheering you on to chase those dreams and kick some serious butt wherever you work. Whether it's climbing the corporate ladder or pursuing your side hustle, they've got your back every step of the way.

They also say it’s never too late and there are plenty of ways to reinvent yourself when what you’ve been doing comes to an end.

It's Not too Late to Make a Different Decision 

Imagining sitting across from your future self is not an easy task. None of us has a crystal ball and generally speaking, we aren’t taught how to think this way. AND... it’s extremely important to learn how to think this way if you are serious about living life without regrets.

This exercise won’t guarantee you won’t make mistakes or experience consequences for your decisions.

But it can be a powerful tool for helping you make decisions in a way that gives you more of what you want vs less of what you don’t.

The good news is you can start today. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen up. Your future self has something important to say, and it's time to tune in and start shaping your destiny.

Remember, the choices you make today will ripple through time and shape the legacy you leave behind.

So, grab the reins, embrace the journey, and make your future self proud!

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Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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