October 13, 2024

Give Yourself Six Months

by Mary Lou Kayser in Writing0 Comments

Give Yourself Six Months to Get Into the Habit of Practicing Radical Honesty, Self-Care, and Self-Love

Six months of radical honesty, self-care, and self-love can transform your life.

I look back at where I was six months ago (mid-March 2024) -- and I’m amazed at my progress and what I've achieved.

All because I committed to giving myself six months.

Here are some highlights:

-I published my 6th book in June

-I enrolled in and completed a 10-week course about energy and healing a broken heart

-I transformed my dad’s old shed into a cute sleeping bunkhouse a la HGTV style

-I hired a coach to guide me through the process of creating a tabletop board game that I will be pitching to companies soon

-I learned how to use a handful of new AI tools to help me with developing new creative projects

-I put myself first and took more naps, read more books, and unplugged from the world more often

All of these choices have yielded some pretty cool outcomes -- and added up to me feeling the happiest I’ve felt in years.

The Common Mistake Most People Make

But the common mistake most people make is thinking self-care is something you can do only when you "feel like it."

This mindset causes you to prioritize everything and everyone else while putting your own needs last. I used to tell myself I didn’t have time for self-care—until I realized I was burning out. Sound familiar? You may find yourself pushing through days, convincing yourself you'll rest or take care of your needs "later," but later never seems to come.

To avoid this cycle, start seeing self-care and self-love as essential habits, not optional luxuries.

It will make a difference.

Did You Know Only 39% of Adults Practice Self-Care Regularly?

A survey revealed that just 39% of adults practice consistent self-care.

That means most people are operating in a state of depletion, running on fumes. I’ve been in this state and it’s not a good place to be.

This is crucial because if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you’re not functioning at your best. Lack of self-care impacts your relationships, your health, and your ability to achieve your goals. The ripple effect can be enormous.

To be in the 39%, you need to make radical honesty, self-care, and self-love non-negotiable in your daily routine.

How to Embrace Radical Honesty, Self-Care, and Self-Love in Six Months So You Can Live Authentically

In the next six months, here’s how you’ll cultivate these habits:

  • Start with radical honesty. Commit to being truthful with yourself about what you need, what you want, and what’s no longer serving you. It will feel uncomfortable at first but believe me -- you will be so grateful to yourself that you were willing to face your deepest Truths and build your life based on them instead of someone else’s.

  • Build daily self-care rituals. Incorporate small but meaningful acts of care into your routine, like taking 10 minutes to meditate or stretching before bed. Instagram and YouTube can be excellent sources of short, free videos of simple stretches or yoga poses designed to do before bed and help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Of course, know your physical limitations and always enter a new routine with practical expectations. If necessary, consult a medical professional before engaging in new exercises.

  • Practice self-love through affirmations and boundaries. Use daily affirmations to affirm your worth, and set healthy boundaries that honor your needs. Here's a simple exercise: Write down a list of 5-10 affirmations aligned with what you most want to do, be and have in the next six months, then record yourself reading them using the voice memo app on your phone. Develop the habit of listening to this recording first thing in the morning and right before bed (after your stretching!). Hearing your own voice reading your personal affirmations increases the likelihood of them sticking.

Now, take the first step by carving out five minutes today to check in with yourself. Ask what you truly need, and start building from there.

Here’s Why You Should Commit to Six Months of Radical Honesty, Self-Care, and Self-Love

This journey changes everything because it rebuilds your relationship with yourself, increases your emotional resilience, and improves your mental and physical health.

When you give yourself six months:

  1. You start to see self-care as an act of self-respect, not selfishness.

  2. You develop emotional clarity and courage through radical honesty.

  3. You cultivate deep self-love that positively impacts your decisions and relationships.

My experience these last six months proves it’s possible to get through something hard (e.g. heartbreak); learn new skills (e.g. AI tools), and simply be (e.g. take more naps).

I finally stopped neglecting my own needs and set clear boundaries with myself and others. Doing this not only transformed my energy levels but also my relationships and creative work.

The lesson? 

Being radically honest with yourself and treating yourself with care opens the door to deeper self-love—and everything flows from there. When you give yourself permission to rest, set boundaries, and love yourself, you show up as your best self in every area of life.

You have more energy, not less.

You can create more exciting projects while completing ones already underway.

Self-care isn’t selfish, and radical honesty isn’t scary—it’s freeing. Six months from now, you’ll be amazed by the strength, peace, and clarity you’ve cultivated by making these habits a priority.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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