January 29, 2024

How Non-Fiction Writing Has Shifted in the Last 10 Years

Hey there, aspiring non-fiction authors and fellow book / writing enthusiasts! 

Let's chat about the rollercoaster ride that non-fiction authors have been on in the past decade. It's been quite a journey, with some significant changes shaping the way we approach writing.

All writing has shifted significantly in the last ten years, and non-fiction is right there with the shifts. In today's post, I want to share the five cool things my experience as a writer has shown me about the non-fiction book writing scene.

1. Ditching the Gatekeepers:

Say goodbye to the days of jumping through hoops to get your book published. This is an enormous change and it's powerful. Used to be non-fiction writers needed permission from a third-party to publish their work.

Not anymore.

The rise of digital platforms has given authors the keys to the kingdom.

Thanks to self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, writers can cut out the middleman and connect directly with readers. It's like having your own VIP access to the publishing world, and who doesn't love a little DIY publishing? 

There are numerous reasons why this is a good thing, which I will address in a future post.

2. Numbers Talk:

Remember when writing was all about gut feelings and intuition?

Those days are gone.

Welcome to the age of data-driven decisions.

Authors are now armed with analytics from social media and keyword research tools to guide their decisions and inform them of new possibilities. It's like having a personal writing coach, helping you understand what your readers want. Writing has become a bit of a science, and I'm a big fan of it.

I'm also a big fan of AI tools like ChatGPT that save tons of time writers once had to spend brainstorming ideas, refining copy, and creating outlines. Most people I know who want to include non-fiction writing in their business practice value productivity hacks. 

AI is helping, in major ways.

3. Power to the Pack:

Writing used to be a solitary gig, but not anymore.

Authors are ditching the lone wolf persona and embracing the power of community. Online groups, writing buddies, and collaborative platforms have become the go-to spots for sharing ideas and getting some honest feedback. It's like a big writing party where everyone's invited, and the more, the merrier. 

Many aspiring authors are also working directly with writing and publishing coaches to get access to ongoing support and feedback as their project unfolds. Smart people know how valuable working with a coach can be. Writing with a non-fiction book coach is no different than hitting the gym with a personal trainer. Someone is in your corner, guiding you to make the best decisions along the way while providing structure and mileposts for success.

4. More Than Just Words:

Who says a book has to be just words on paper?

Non-fiction authors are breaking the mold by adding a splash of multimedia to their creations. Podcasts, webinars, interactive e-books, illustrations, photography – you name it. It's like turning your book into a multimedia extravaganza. The lines between different forms of media are getting blurrier, and I'm on board for this creative mishmash. 

For example: I often turn a blog post like this one or my Field Notes newsletter into a podcast episode. It's a great way to reach a different audience with a relevant and useful message.

You, the Brand:

It's no accident that I call the coaching arm of my business "The Book Revolution." Writing a book anymore is not just about the nuts and bolts of writing exceptional non-fiction.

It's revolutionizing business owners' lives.

I teach how to think of your book as an asset to your business and certainly as a key part of your personal brand. For the last ten years, I've been promoting the idea that it's not just your book; it's your business.  

And that point of view works.

More authors than ever before are embracing this new way of thinking, stepping into the spotlight, building their own personal brands, and sharing their journeys with large audiences across platforms.

Social media, blogs, and podcasts have become the new playgrounds where authors showcase their expertise. It's like turning the spotlight on yourself, and readers are loving the backstage pass to the author's world.

In a Nutshell...

In a nutshell, the world of non-fiction writing has had a facelift in the past ten years. And the future looks incredibly bright for non-fiction moving forward!

From kicking traditional gatekeepers to the curb to diving headfirst into data, embracing the power of the pack, adding a multimedia twist, and putting the author in the spotlight – it's been one heck of a ride. I've loved being in the driver's seat of this incredible journey and helping others take the wheel, too.

As the journey continues, authors are riding the wave, staying adaptable, and enjoying the wild adventure that is non-fiction literature.

Your non-fiction book can take you places you've never been before. It's exciting to think about!

I'm here to help -- Cheers to the next chapter! 


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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