November 13, 2020

Leaders Are Readers

by Mary Lou Kayser in Writing0 Comments

Leaders are readers...

...might as well look stylish and badass as you peruse your favorite book or blog!

I've been a fan of Caddis Eye Appliances for about a year. 

I don't go on my computer without first putting them on.

I've really noticed a difference. My eyes aren't as tired after logging several hours in front of a screen. Blocking the amount of blue light I'm exposed to is something I consciously do for my health. And I get a lot of compliments on the way these glasses look!

Not too bad. 

Science shows that over exposure to blue light for long periods of time can interfere with our ability to sleep, our eyesight in general, and our moods. As leaders operating in a digital world, we need to be thinking about protecting our beautiful eyes when we show up to do our work that involves a screen.

One thing I have to say about Caddis as a company, among a gazillion things I could say, is their copywriting is off the charts. If you appreciate good writing and want to read really good copy, go to their website. I absolutely love what they're doing there.

Which is why I went to the trouble of filming an unboxing video of my latest pair of Caddis eye appliances, which you can watch right here. 

Welcome to the New Age

If you've been with me for awhile, you know I'm a big fan of people and brands who show up as themselves and as such, carve a loyal following for themselves while making a difference. Caddis chooses to call their glasses "eye appliances" because why not?

Glasses are so twentieth century.

Each pair comes in a beautiful well designed box. On the bottom of the box is the following inspirational message:


"This is for people who are not in the long process of giving up. It has everything to do with age, but nothing to do with your job, your gender or whether you live in Orange County or Hazard County. It has to do with being who you are and owning it."

Yes! Massive gold stars go to the person or team who came up with that message.

Why I love that piece of writing is because it is one hundred percent aligned with the big message around here -- you have to own your life.

You've got to show up and be yourself and lead the best way that you know how.

It's good for you and it's good for the world.

Which is why I believe it's important to invest in yourself, including your health.

The quality of these glasses is superior. They do charge a premium price per pair ($95 US), but I'll tell you -- it's worth it. 

The other thing I love about Caddis "eye appliances" is the details that go into crafting every pair. For example, on the top of the frames they've etched the words "port" and "starboard."

Who does that? 

Caddis does, and I am a fan for life. 

Leaders Are Readers

If you are in the market to elevate your leadership style behind the screen and want to protect your beautiful eyes from excessive blue light, I recommend Caddis.

Welcome to the new age, everybody.

Be proud about your glasses.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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