Make it until you make it.

Don't know who coined that phrase, but it’s a cool twist and play on the more common phrase “fake it til you make it."

And with it comes a deeper meaning.

Instead of simply pretending to be something you're not until you achieve success, "make it until you make it" encourages continuous effort and adaptation. It's about actively engaging in the process of becoming, even in the face of uncertainty or setbacks.

Make it until you make it.

Which essentially means, keep going.

Keep experimenting.

What you do you become.

Stop seeing what you want to do as something separate to who you are and start 'being' it.

It's not just about reaching a specific destination or goal; it's about embracing the journey and consistently pushing yourself to grow and evolve as you work toward the things you want.

Especially during life’s inevitable shitstorms when nothing feels familiar -- you can use the following questions to guide you through resistance and/or challenges:

  • How do I grow from this?
  • How has my perspective changed from this?
  • What lessons am I learning here and/or what did this experience teach me?
  • What is most important for me to do now?

How do you do that?

Get out a piece of paper, a legal pad, or your journal. At the top of the page, describe a current challenge you're experiencing or something you're resisting (e.g. having a hard conversation with someone; moving to a different city or state; stepping away from a familiar role; losing a pet or friend; etc.)

Then, copy these questions onto the page and write out your answers one at a time.

The simple act of reflecting on these questions with respect to what's got you challenged can reveal ideas you can act on. Writing can also serve as a way of getting rid of some stress you may be carrying. 

It's also a way of practicing "make it until you make it" — a call to action and reminder to keep moving forward, keep learning, and keep becoming the best version of yourself, no matter what challenges you may face.

You are not defined by your circumstances; you are defined by your response to them. Everything we experience is a part of who we've been, who we are, and who we can be.

So, keep pushing, keep evolving, and keep making it until you make it—because every moment is an opportunity to become the person you aspire to be.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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