"Poetry is the new pop."

So says Jimmy Kimmel on his iconic talk show about why poetry matters, why it's enjoying a golden age right now, and how it makes all of us -- and our lives -- better.

(I love you for this, Jimmy Kimmel. And your tight pants.)

April is National Poetry Month, and I'm excited to be a part of the poetry scene with my latest book, The Far Unlit Unknown.

You have your copy, right?

What I love about Jimmy Kimmel's comment and astute observation about poetry is finally, FINALLY!

Poetry is now getting the attention it deserves on a broad scale.

Historically cast aside in favor of less obscure kinds of writing (e.g. the essay, thriller, western, romance novels), poetry is showing why it deserves to be front and center. 

While tech moguls, rock stars, and reality show celebrities are still popular...

Poets are the newest cool kids on the scene.

And I'm fired up about it!

Not just because I happen to be a poet, but also because poetry is just damn cool. 

As an art form.

As a means of expression.

As a way of getting past the layers of bullshit polluting the Internet into the gorgeous, pure soil of meaning and purpose and why any of it matters set to stanzas and verses and words.

Why Is Poetry the New Pop?

No offense to writing legends like Stephen King and Danielle Steele who had their days in the literary sun, but in the TikTok era of zero attention spans, readers are looking for literary satisfaction in a fraction of the time it takes to read 600 pages of 10 point font.


Aside from how beautiful poems are to look at, read, and listen to, here are a few more reasons why poetry is growing in popularity:

  • Poetry helps us understand the world around us (and more people than ever are seeking answers to the confusion heaped upon us every single day)
  • Poetry helps us process our feelings (hello vulnerability, authenticity, and emotional intelligence)
  • Poetry inspires us (can't ever get enough inspiration)
  • Poetry allows us to connect with ourselves and others through shared experiences that are often difficult to put into words (it's still so damn hard for most of us to say what we truly want to say and we are so grateful when someone else can say it so beautifully for us)

If I had to rank the reasons, that last one is arguably the most important one of the bunch. 


Because as humans we have a fundamental need to plug ourselves into the whole meaning of life equation so that we gain a deeper understanding of why we are even here in the first place.

And because poems are easy to consume while satisfying our need for a quick dopamine hit in one sitting -- a la while sipping your latte or matcha or electrolyte-infused energy water -- poetry can be a positive part of anyone's daily mental health routine.

So ya.

Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel, for declaring this most important Truth about poetry.

Poetry is the new pop.

It's here for the long haul.

And it's as cool as those tight white pants you look so good in.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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