So let’s talk about Shakespeare and your business for a minute.
We all know that writing plays a central role in growing awareness about who we are, what we do, why it matters, and who can benefit from being in our ecosystem of products and/or services.
That’s content marketing 101.
Words form the backbone of content online.
Because so many of us were exposed to writers like Shakespeare during our formative years, those paradigms of what makes a “great writer” continue to inform decisions you’re making about writing all these years later — even if you don’t realize that’s what’s happening!
The truth is, Shakespeare and your business are more closely linked than you might believe.
Do you have to write like Shakespeare to be successful in your business?
The short answer is no, with a side of, "Well, kind of."
Here's what I'm getting at.
When it comes to writing for your business you don’t have to write like Shakespeare to succeed. In fact, the less you write like him and the more you write like you, the better if for no other reason than no one says things like "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" these days.
If there’s one quality of the Old Bard’s to emulate it would be his commitment to his craft and vision.
He showed up everyday to his work and produced strategically.
As such he created a body of work that has stood the test of time and served him, his interests, and the world well.
That’s something to admire.
In that respect, we could all stand to be a little more like Shakespeare.