Have you ever heard the saying, “Success Leaves Clues?”
There is a reason so many of us study people who are successful.
We are looking for clues about how we can be successful, too!
I made this short video about how to increase your odds of being successful. Watch it now…
Just like the food we ingest impacts the shape and feel of our bodies, so too does what we put into our minds affect our decisions and our behaviors.
Garbage in = garbage out.
Value in = value out.
It really can be as simple as that!
Why not stack the odds in your favor? Read something inspiring, motivational, or funny.
Teach your brain to filter out the junk and accept only the good stuff.
It will thank you, I promise.
And please…share with readers what you are reading now or what you have read in the past that influenced you in a positive way. Leaders are readers, after all! It’s fun to spread the wealth!
To Your Success!
Hi Mary Lou,
Thanks for sharing the book. I’ve heard many Campbell quotes but haven’t read any of his books.
As you note in the grand scheme of things life is about people and relationships. Great insight 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
Ryan Biddulph
Mary Lou,
I always appreciate these sorts of reminders. Our minds are like vacuum cleaners, sucking up all kinds of stuff. We just need to put on our awareness filters!
The potential is massive – either way. It’s a choice.
Thank you,
Mary Lou,
It always really surprises me when I meet people who say they don’t read and yet are aspiring to be successful. As the start of your video says, Leaders Read.
It’s the valuable knowledge, lessons and human experience that we share that enable us to become better leaders as time goes on. And so much of this can be gained from books.
Although it’s really important for people to be reading books that hone in on Marketing and Business skills, I like to point people in the direction of books that teach rapport building, communication and vision before anything.
My favourite to this day, is still “How To Win Friends & Influence People.”
Thanks for your book recommendation as I might just end up with a new favourite!
Mary Lou,
I know you love reading, so do I! Books give so much back and are priceless reminders that many messages have been there all along in different forms. Definitely worth filling the brain with good stuff. 🙂
Love the windy day you’re having. It’s a good Mother nature house cleaning,
Val 🙂
http://www.valwilcox.com/reason-season-lifetime/ A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime
What would we do without books, Val? Even in the era of “all things digital,” a real book, in my opinion, cannot be beat! Thanks for being a sister in books. 🙂
Hi Michaele, I know how much you love to read, as you have suggested some great books to me over these past several months. I read Dale Carnegie’s breakthrough book years ago, and I think it’s time to revisit it as his wisdom truly is timeless. What would we do without books?! 🙂
Hi Tricia, I love your metaphor of the brain being a vacuum. It does indeed suck up whatever comes across its path, good OR bad. Much rather suck in the good stuff! 🙂
You are welcome for the Campbell suggestion, Ryan. This book is truly magnificent…timeless, human, poetic. Enjoy it!
Mary Lou,
I am reading two books along with my regular subscription to Success Magazine, I really enjoyed last the November issue that focused on relationships, Anyway, I am reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Ecker and The Way We’re Working isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz.
Thxs for the video clip – Have you been to Florio’s Bakery in Portland? – Do drop by and say Hi to my friend Carrie.
peace be with you,
Hey Mary Lou,
Books have provided me with some of the most profound moments in my life… both in Business and Spiritually.
Those “clues” to success galvanized a desire to be the best I can be… and the recognition that it’s an ongoing process may take a lifetime to achieve. It’s in the timeless wisdom that I associate with books that you can find, be, learn or do…anything – if You TRY.
“I am not as good as I ought to be. I am not as good as I want to be. I am not as good as I’m going to be. But I am thankful that I am better than I used to be.” – John Wooden.Legendary U.C.L.A. coach
Hi Chris, Thanks for sharing that wonderful quote from John Wooden. I have admired his work for many years, and see him as the epitome of great coaching/teaching. He kept things in perspective, lived humbly and simply, and put his players first. Someone to emulate, that’s for sure!
Hi Ziz! So wonderful of you to take the time and visit my blog. I have not been to Florio’s Bakery before, so now I have a field trip on the horizon! Looks like you are reading some excellent books. I have read T. Harv Ecker’s book, but not the Tony Scwartz one. I will definitely look into that as I am a huge book lover and always like adding good reads to my collection! 🙂
SO true!! It really matters what we read!! Love the value in value out!! Thanks for sharing!!
Hi Mary Lou
Brrr … I felt cold watching your video!
I agree with you 100% on this topic!
We are sponges, taking in everything around us whether it’s positive or negative. Unfortunately, so many people don’t stop to think about this and the effect that their environment has on them.
I LOVE reading! I’ve had people say to me that I read books like people drink coffee … regularly and lots of them! My Dad still teases me that for years I didn’t know where we were on our trip to my grandmother’s place because I always had my nose in a book! (in fairness to me, the trip was over 3 hrs long!).
I truly feel for people who don’t enjoy reading – I believe they are missing out on so much! I would be lost without books, books, BOOKS! (and counted cross stitch, but that’s another story!).
My collection of books continues to grow with my particular favourites being in the categories of spirituality, personal development, humour (I have a terrific collection of joke books ‘cos I love a good laugh!), inspirational and humourous quotes, and business.
I honestly couldn’t pick a favourite, however, if I had to pick just one book that jumps out at me every time I’m asked to recommend a book to someone, it’s “The Slight Edge”, by Jeff Olsen.
I’ve read it many times, and it always inspires me to keep going.
Little things (the slight edge) make such a big difference … yes, an extra Tim Tam (a delicious chocolate biscuit here in Australia) here and there will make a difference to the waistline over time! 😉
In saying that, I must mention another favourite of mine and that’s “The Art of Happiness”, by His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
As the title suggests, this books teaches you how to achieve happiness through retraining your thinking, attitudes, perspective etc. The purpose of life is happiness, our happiness is our responsibility and we are ultimately in control of it.
The newest book to my collection is titled:
“Everyone Communicates Few Connect – What The Most Effective People Do Differently”, by John C Maxwell.
While I haven’t quite finished reading it yet, I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Everything that I’ve read so far in it is simply commonsense to me.
I sincerely enjoy connecting with people, not just communicating (yes, I know I’m a chatterbox, but I’m also a great listener) and I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to hone their communication and connection skills.
As with Michaele’s favourite (“How to Win Friends and Influence People”), I believe this latest book in my collection is a must read for everyone.
Have you read any of these ones, Mary Lou? I hadn’t heard of your book, but I’ve now added it to my list of books to get – thanks for bringing it to my attention! 🙂
~ Kylie ~
Hi Kylie, I have read every one of the books you recommend! LOL. 🙂 Like you, I am a big time reader. Love books, love words. Love how a book can change your life. I belong to a book group full of incredible women who are well educated and enjoy discussing ideas, along with everyday stuff like motherhood, husbands, etc. What I especially like about this group is we read such a variety stories, mostly fiction but with the occasional non fiction thrown in for good measure every once in awhile. Our most recent read was “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” a real page-turner. Have you read it, by chance? What would life be like without books? I hate to even imagine it.
Hi Mary Lou
Excellent! I’m pleased you’re familiar with them all. They’re great, aren’t they?
Your book group sounds wonderful! I’m not aware of any book groups around here where I live – I should start one! I have one friend who I know would be interested. I’ll ask her about it when I see her tomorrow, actually!
I haven’t read, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, but I have seen it in shops. I have a feeling one of my friends has it, actually, so I’ll see if I can borrow it from her (I treat books like gold, so there won’t be a problem with that!).
Like you, I can’t imagine a life without books! I’m happy to loan books to those I trust to look after them, but I can’t give them away. I have every single book I’ve ever owned, including my “Andy Pandy” books, Enid Blyton books, “Garfield” comic strip books … you name it!
My kids also have mountains of books. 🙂
I’ll be stopping by this post again to see what books others recommend too.
~ Kylie ~