the lonely electronThe Lonely Electron is delighting audiences everywhere, but it wouldn’t have come to life had it not been for an inspirational science teacher that triggered the imaginations of its two authors. There’s an old saying that goes: behind every great man is a great woman. Well, I’d like to extend that saying to include: behind every great book is a great teacher!

The Lonely Electron Lives on…

Here is the letter I received from the girls’ science teacher after learning they had published The Lonely Electron on Amazon:

“I’m absolutely blown away! I remember when Paige and Ginna gave me their original ‘lonely electron’ book that they wrote last year! I displayed it all year and actually read it this year with my students when we learned about bonding…

I’m so happy that they felt inspired by some silly musings I made during my teachings. It just goes to show that you rarely know what kind of effect you are having on students and how the concepts we teach them might be made into something amazing, creative, or inspirational. Thank you for sharing this with me, it’s important that teachers know when they have made a difference with students as that is the real fuel that keeps us going : )

I hope the girls are very proud of themselves and plan to add more books to their series. I will definitely buy a copy of the current book and probably any in the future; as long as they are careful to make sure their chemistry is correct : D

Please let the girls know that I send my best and I hope they are proud and continue with their success.”

As a former teacher myself, I completely identify with with he wrote about being fueled by stories like these. Finding out that something you taught or said had an impact on a student is a pretty amazing feeling. I treasure the letters, notes, and in today’s hi tech times the social media posts that affirm I did something to positively influence lives. Clearly, learning about what the girls did with the book they created based on his instruction made a big difference to him, too.

Teaching is one of those professions filled with unsung heroes — the men and women who show up day after day with lesson plans they hope will move students to think, create, imagine, and do. How wonderful that The Lonely Electron was able to do just that for the authors’ former science teacher!

Who are the teachers that have inspired you?


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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