Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop, living the same day over and over again?
Raising my hand here.
Are you yearning for something more, something extraordinary, but find yourself held back by fear and self-doubt?
Yup, hand raised here as well.
If you're raising your hand and nodding your head right now, then I have a message for you: it's time to get unreasonable with yourself if you want to experience a new kind of life.
Ouch. Not exactly the message anyone wants to hear, right?
I certainly didn’t when one of my mentors threw it at me like the ice bucket challenge circa 2014.
I didn’t just squirm in my chair a little.
I stood up and paced the room, teeth chattering and knees knocking, simultaneously cursing him and wanting to scream, "You mean I have to give up what I currently know to be true about my life? And all the things that I do on autopilot to save time and energy?"
'Fraid so, Soldier.
He always knows exactly what I need to hear.
Being Unreasonable
If we ignore this message, or never hear it… Life as we know it often operates within the boundaries of comfort and predictability. We settle into routines and cling to what's familiar, all in the name of safety and security.
And listen -- I’m like everyone else here. I like safety and security. I like being comfortable.
But here's the thing. You know it and I know it.
If we want to break free from the ordinary and step into the extraordinary, we must be willing to challenge our own limits and expectations.
We need to be unreasonable with ourselves.
I’m working through being unreasonable with myself right now as I look ahead at what I want the rest of this year to be like and certainly what I'd like to see happen next year.
This process is uncomfortable. It’s awkward. It’s challenging some old paradigms I needed to shed a long time ago. I’ve had to cross off some goals I wrote down in ink because they were too easy, too much like goals I’ve already achieved.
I've had to get brutally unreasonable with myself.
And I don’t like it very much. But it beats the alternative, so I continue to step up to the question:
What Does It Mean to Be Unreasonable?
For starters, it means daring to dream big, setting audacious goals, and refusing to accept mediocrity as the status quo.
It means embracing discomfort and uncertainty as your allies on the path to growth and transformation.
It means looking fear in the eye and saying, "I will not let you hold me back any longer and no, you can’t stick around for the game and snacks later."
It means not going shopping for new clothes because going shopping for new clothes feels good and means you don’t have to think about being unreasonable with yourself right now even though you just love that new sparkle dress you saw someone wearing on Instagram.
It means looking at what’s possible through categories like the following because that’s how we do things these days in posts like this:
Unleash Your Imagination: Being unreasonable starts with your imagination. Imagine a life that's not bound by the limitations of your current reality. Can you picture yourself achieving the impossible, living your wildest dreams? I know this isn’t easy, but give it your best shot. Your imagination is the blueprint for your future, so let it run wild and free. You know, like that herd of gorgeous horses you see on beer ads. Maybe you imagine you are riding one of those gorgeous horses while enjoying a beer. But not the beer from the ad. That beer sucks.
Set Goals That Scare You: If your goals don't scare you a little, they're not big enough. Unreasonable goals are the ones that make your heart race and your palms sweat and your flight instinct to the mall to kick into high gear. Scary goals challenge you to grow, to push past your comfort zone, and to become the person you were meant to be. And you want to be that person, after all. You really do. Not because the person you are now is bad but because you can be even more fabulous than you already are.
Embrace Failure as a Teacher: Being unreasonable means understanding that failure is not the end; it's a lesson in disguise. I’m not keen on this one because it hits hard in a very tender spot of my ego but that’s exactly why I pay attention to what hasn’t worked out for me. Failure is the fuel that propels you forward, the stepping stone to success. When you're unreasonable, you don't let fear of failure paralyze you; instead, you see it as a necessary part of the journey.
Redefine Your Comfort Zone: Your comfort zone is your enemy when you're on a quest for a new kind of life. It's where dreams go to die. I’m not a big fan of dead dreams, either, so I do my best to embrace this part. To break free, you must consistently step outside your comfort zone, willingly and eagerly. Make discomfort your new comfort.
Surround Yourself with Visionaries: Jim Rohn was famous for saying you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, if you want to be unreasonable, surround yourself with visionaries, dreamers, and doers. As much as you love your fur babies, your cats and/or dogs don’t count here. Seek out those who will uplift and inspire you, not those who will drag you down with their limiting beliefs. Or walk all over your keyboard as you're trying to type.
Now, you might be wondering, "Why should I be unreasonable with myself? Isn't it safer to stick with what I know?"
Well, here's the truth: safety and comfort may give you temporary relief, and a cool new outfit that looks amazing on you, but they will never lead you to a life of fulfillment and purpose. They will never be satisfying.
If you want to experience a new kind of life, one filled with excitement, growth, and fulfillment, you must be willing to take risks and challenge the status quo.
But being unreasonable with yourself is not about being reckless or impulsive. It's about recognizing your potential, believing in your ability to create change, and taking deliberate, calculated steps toward your goals. It's about being unapologetically passionate about what you want in life and refusing to settle for less.
Not Easy
I understand setting these kinds of standards for upleveling our lives is not easy. Not even a little bit. Comfort and safety and super wonderful sofas you can fall asleep on are the siren song of the modern age.
But if you find yourself wondering if there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing, why not give yourself permission to dream big?
To say out loud what you really want?
To be unreasonable with yourself?
To ditch the status quo and get unreasonable?
Isn’t it time to break free from the chains of mediocrity and step into the boundless potential that resides within you? Isn’t it time to pursue your dreams with unwavering determination and relentless courage?
Remember, the life you desire is waiting for you just beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone. I’m headed in that direction and would enjoy the company.
After all -- If not now, when?
That gorgeous horse won't wait forever.