True or False: Losing your job is the single most common cause of bankruptcy.

Would it surprise you to learn the answer is false?

While Entrepreneurs typically don’t worry about losing our jobs, the reality is, everyone is vulnerable to the leading cause of bankruptcy, employed or self-employed.

The leading cause of bankruptcy today is getting sick, with cancer at the helm. Since anyone can get sick, isn’t it better to know about how to prevent illness from happening in the first place so as to avoid bankruptcy? Indeed, disease can ruin your finances the way nothing else can, hitting you with bills you cannot pay (and insurance won’t cover), not to mention robbing you of your income (or wealth) because you cannot work.

And if you are one of the 45 million Americans without health insurance, well. Good luck. (Although it is my opinion that health insurance is really a racket since it rarely pays for anything, anyway.)

Entrepreneurs fall into an interesting category of the workforce. On the one hand, because we don’t work for someone else, we have more flexibility throughout our days to schedule time for taking care of ourselves through working out, for example. However, because our livelihoods depend directly upon what we produce, we may be busier with appointments and projects than the average 9-5er, leaving us less time to do the right things for ourselves. (Does the 9-5er even exist anymore?) And, many entrepreneurs do not have a health insurance plan because we either don’t qualify for one, cannot afford one, or plain don’t want one.

Because Entrepreneurs have enough as it is to worry about every day, it is even more critical for us to lead a healthy lifestyle. If for no other reason than to avoid the leading cause of bankruptcy!

The good news is, it is easy to do with the following 5 health tips. They are simple to adopt and the benefits are amazing:

1. Move Your Body. Every single day. Even if it is for 10 minutes at a time, the human body was designed to move. Too many Americans do not move enough each day (except from the bed to the car to the desk chair to the car to the couch to the bed). Seriously, if you can only implement one of these health tips into your life right now, exercise is the one to choose!

Contrary to what those TV advertisements lead you to think, you do not have to have a fancy gym membership to be healthy. Dancing in your living room to your favorite music for 10 minutes can really make a difference when done consistently. No one’s going to know, either. 🙂 The secret is to build small segments of movement into your day rather than stressing out over not being able to get to the gym to do a “work out” for an hour. Small steps over time lead up to a long journey!

2. Eat Like an Animal. No, I don’t mean that in the way you are probably thinking. What I do mean is learn how to graze on small meals of whole foods throughout the day. Portion control is a huge factor here, as healthy eating has more to do with how much you eat at one sitting vs. what you eat. Ever notice the way cats graze throughout the day? Humans are designed to graze, too, eating small meals 6-10 times throughout the day. Doing this keeps blood sugar levels steady and minds alert and is a cornerstone of healthy eating.

3. Supplement. Even the best eaters who pride themselves on healthy eating can fall short of their daily recommendations for certain key nutrients. Adding a high quality supplement line to your daily regime is definitely one of the health tips you do not want to overlook. Entrepreneurs have special needs that average employees don’t have because of the added stress we experience. This is how supplementation can really help. There are some very fine companies out there that offer consumers exceptional supplements that work for a variety of health needs.

The investment you make in your health today will pay off dividends over time as you stay well.

4. Sleep. Too many Americans complain of being tired all the time, often because they are not following health tips 1-3! Seriously, a good night’s sleep is dependent upon several factors including regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and getting proper nutrition. Entrepreneurs can be notorious non-sleepers because we have so many things on our minds, not to mention all the projects we have going at once. Making a point of not watching television or being on the computer right before bed can help you sleep better through the night. Instead of exposing your brain to all that light and stimulation right before lights out, read a magazine or a few pages in a book before hitting the pillow. Or write down your accomplishments in a journal.

5. Maintain an Active Social Life. Spend time with friends IN PERSON that is not business-related. Make time for date nights and family nights. Get away from the electronics and get outside for a day of adventure. Because healthy living depends upon many factors including our primary relationships with loved ones, family, and friends, it is more important than ever to nurture our inner circles. Because when times get a bit dicey (and they will!), with close friends and family by your side, you know you will make it through the rough patch.

The key to making any changes toward a more healthy lifestyle is to take each of these health tips and break them down into manageable sizes. Pick one, do it until it becomes a habit, and then pick another. Lists like these are only as useful as the person actually doing what they suggest. But not doing anything at all could lead you to disaster, including bankruptcy. Take the time to start with one of these health tips today as part of your overall insurance policy against any future damage. While there are no guarantees you will avoid bankruptcy even if you are healthy, you stack the odds tremendously in your favor if you are!

Let me know what things YOU do as an Entrepreneur to stay healthy and share them here! Also, if you like this post, please rewteet it and share the love!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  1. Your title alone ought to pull in lots of readers ML. I is amazing that people are chronically ill but much of it begins at an emotional level, a subconscious level.

    Here is one vital tip: The most important thing you can do before the day even begins is to start with journaling, praying/meditating, and educating yourself in something positive so you can set your mind into motion. Without doing this the day may feel like it’s happening “to you” instead of your “creating” the world around you.

    Thanks Mary Lou!
    Kellie Frazier
    dot com

  2. Hi Mary Lou,
    Thanks for the post, a lot of good health tips here

    What I do as an Entrepreneur to stay healthy is come from my heart with compassion and focus of my passions in life.
    Every day I look out at the world and see beauty because of the lens I am looking through. And I talk to the trees and mother earth and say “Thank you for being so beautiful and thank you for loving me, I love you back!” Everyday…

    I learn and grow everyday,
    I love myself everyday,
    I love my beautiful wife everyday,
    I stay grounded and present everyday,
    I am aware of my breath everyday,
    I have good intentions everyday,
    I want the best for the greater good of all everyday,
    I have compassion in my heart everyday,

    With all that said and more I don’t even know if Bankruptcy would be all that bad, definitely not the end of the world, but the KEY point here is to be and stay healthy!

    Thank you for your devotion to helping the lives of others
    I am more then happy to tweet and share this valuable content with others.


  3. Wow, you really have yourself centered, Jeremy! Thanks for sharing this list. You model so well for others how to live a genuine life!

  4. I agree completely about beginning the day with positive messages, whether they come from inside or out. Great distinction between being in control vs being controlled! Thanks, Kellie!

  5. Oh so important, Mary Lou. Good health is invaluable. Your list is absolutely essential to maintaining health as well as it is beneficial for those who are living with an illness and choose to live in wellness despite present limitations. Thanks for such an awesome post 🙂

  6. Hi Mary Lou,
    Great tips to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle, I like the idea of preventing disease not treating it.
    I also believe in looking after your pschological health as well by reading uplifting and empowering books and listening to audios. Just 10 minutes at the beginning of everyday day can radically change your vibration.

  7. Hi Dena, You know as well as I how important maintaining optimal health is. What concerns me is how out of control America’s collective health has become, with obesity and its related health challenges leading the charge. Why are so many people in denial, I wonder? It truly baffles me.

  8. Hi Deirdre, Yes, prevention is key to everything, from our health to our finances to our attitudes. I agree that making the choice to incorporate good vibrations into our daily lives makes a significant difference each and every day, not to mention long term!

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