Home based business entrepreneurs face an interesting dilemma each day.

Unlike employees who have to go to work someplace else each day, the home based entrepreneur may only have a few feet to walk from bedroom to boardroom to get to their office.

The dilemma is, what should a work-at-home business person wear?

Of course, there is the perpetual belief that if you work from home, you never have to get dressed, that pajamas and five o’clock shadow are part of the official dress code.

While this may be true for a handful of at-home entrepreneurs, most of the professionals I know who run online businesses from their homes are getting dressed each day.

Why bother doing that, you may wonder? Isn’t part of the freedom of working from home having the option to NOT get professionally dressed each day?

Of course there is that option, but I am here to argue why it is absolutely critical that the at-home professional take the time to get dressed and get dressed well every single day.

Now I am not saying you have to wear a tie, or high heels, or pantyhose (unless you honestly LIKE wearing those things!)

No, I am talking about something far more powerful. You see, when you take the time to take care of yourself, to shower, groom, and dress in decent clothes, you send your brain a message that says, “I am important. I matter. I am a professional. I am a WINNER.”

When you stay in your pjs or a bathrobe, avoid the shower, not take the time to prep, you also send your brain a message. Only this one says, “You don’t matter. You are lazy. You are not serious about creating wealth. You are a LOSER.”

You may think being able to lounge around in your pjs all day while you work from your home office is really cool, and if you are brand new to working from home, and you are dying to do this, then by all means, take a couple of days and enjoy your new freedom. But don’t make it a habit. Believe me, it will make a difference in your bottom line long term.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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