If life is worth living, it's worth recording.
You are the author of your story.
Write it down.
Document moments in a hard bound journal or moleskin.
As the years pass, you will have a record of who you once were.
You will be able to see how you've grown. Ways you've changed.
You will capture history that younger generations might find fascinating someday.
You might find the self you once were fascinating given all that has transpired since you wrote what you wrote.
Don't let technology steal your life.
Don't trust that social platforms where you're posting moments will always be available.
None of us knows what will come and what will go.
All of what you created on Instagram or Facebook could disappear with one click of a button.
Not so with a journal.
Outside of a horrific event like a fire or tornado, a journal will stand the test of time.
Take to the pen. Open to a blank page. Capture what's on your mind.
Write it down.
Write it down.
Write it down.