The greatest power any of us has is the power to choose.
Every thought is a choice whether you are aware of it or not.
Your greatest power, therefore, is your power to choose one thought over another.
I’m convinced at this point in my life that part of becoming fully ourselves involves learning this universal principle.
What I think about is what I become.
If this reminds you of those posters that hung in many hallowed corporate halls and boardrooms back in the day it’s because for some reason we humans are a stubborn lot.
We need constant reminders that, at the end of the day, everything we experience is the result of a thought we chose to have.
William James once said:
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
Better thoughts = less stress.
Try it today and see what happens.
If anything, you now know that tomorrow you can make a different choice and start again.