Ever be the last or next to last person chosen for a team when you were a kid?

If so, then you know the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach and how awful it feels. Unless you are like Donkey from Shrek, who could withstand just about any social shunning Shrek could dish out to him, you know that being overlooked or taken for granted is something you want to prevent or avoid no matter what.

In today’s fast-paced Social Media climate, there are two social media tools that are not as popular as some of their teammates, and are often picked last for the team.

What’s interesting, though, is these little powerhouses offer tremendous value to the people who use them, just like the kid who got picked last for gym class can sometimes hit the winning run or score the final basket and be the hero of the game.

This first social media tool  I am going to feature today that is often overlooked is none other than skype.

Overshadowed by its hugely successful teammates Facebook and Twitter, skype should not be underestimated for its branding power, its relationship-building capabilities, or its simplicity. Indeed, this social media tool can be an online entrepreneur’s best friend.

Like all the social media biggies, skype is free to use, and when used deliberately, can reap huge rewards. Connecting with others is easy, not to mention fun. Because relationships are at the heart of business, getting to know people outside of Facebook posts and Twitter feeds is an essential part of growing your business, and skype allows this to happen in a way these others mentioned cannot.

With skype, you can type real time messages in a chat box, speak to someone with audio only, or have a video call with another person who is also a skype member, anywhere in the world. There are places on skype that allow users to feature their web and/or blog addresses, inspirational messages, and personal information like birthdays and preferences in any category you could think of.

Like many people, I first started using skype to connect with my parents who live 3000 miles away from me. My use has since evolved into Masterminding with other online entrepreneurs once a week as well as getting to know people I meet on Facebook in a different setting.

To use skype, you need to download the free application to your computer, something very simple and quick to do. After going through the various set up stages, including an audio and video check, you will create a skype user name, customize your profile with a photo and other things, and then begin finding other people you know who are using skype, too, and adding them to your contact list.

To get skype for your computer, simply visit their site here to join the millions of users who believe this is one social media tool that shouldn’t be picked last! 🙂

Are you currently a skype user? How has skype helped you in business and/or your personal life? Share your thoughts with readers here and pass along this post to Twitter and Facebook!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • What is the second one you mentioned? I forget to connect with people through skype, guilty, guilty. I must get better at this. Thanks so much for reminding me.

  • Mary Lou – Skype is an awesome tool! I tell everyone I meet about it because it is such an amazing communication tool. I still need to learn more about what all it can do but I love what i use so far. Thanks for such an awesome post!

  • Hi Nicole, Like any new tools, getting used to them, getting to know them, takes time. Don’t feel guilty about not using skype! All things in time. 🙂 I will write about the second one in an upcoming post.

  • Mary Lou,
    I absolutely love Skype! The capabilities to talk to people from all over the world is such a powerful connecting tool. We hold our Mastermind calls on Skype. It’s great to be able to message the group at anytime other than just the regular calls.

    I’ve even done screen sharing a couple of times to help someone set up certain tools for their blogs. Amazing tool. thanks for reminding us of this. Look forward to your next post!
    Val 🙂

  • Great Post Mary Lou! I don’t know what I would do without my Skype! I’m going to implement some of your tips right away! Thank you for sharing!


    David A Haines

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    Thanks for sharing your insight about Skype ~ I have an account, just have not yet figured out how to use it (might be a little b/c I’m trying to get past fearing video of me…lol!), yet see myself starting to use it quite a lot in the near future. And, as mentioned, it has the function of chat, or even audio if your connection does not have video. I can see how that can be very beneficial!


  • Mary Lou,
    I hadn’t realized that Skype was such an ugly step child because it is one of my favorite tools to use. People that aren’t using it and taking advantage of this powerful little tool are really missing out. It takes relationship building to another level and connecting on Skype with people that live in other parts of the world is fantastic!

  • Mary Lou,

    It’s like you read my mind! I’ve been talking to so many people recently about the amount of people that still aren’t using skype.
    Personally, I couldn’t imagine life without it.
    From a relationship building perspective, it’s part of my main strategy in terms of getting to know people on a more personal level. It really takes building rapport on Facebook and Twitter to the next level.
    Aside from the amazing ability to offer coaching services via screenshare, what I really love is the ability to hold group coaching and mastermind calls.
    It also really breaks down international borders and time zones.
    No more worrying about waking a team member up on the other side of the globe!
    Just send a skype chat, and if they answer, they’re awake.


  • I love it when we get so caught up in repeating certain protocols (FB,
    Twitter, add friends, direct message, write on wall, etc) that we overlook amazing tools right at our feet.

    I use Skype all the time, but as a marketing tool… let’s just say I keep hitting the “snooze” button. Nice wake up call, Mary Lou!

  • Skype is a great tool for communicating with several team members at once, my tribe, and my mastermind group. It’s like a conference call without the need of a telephone. I haven’t used it as a marketing tool.

    Did you know that you can start a webinar with Skype. Simply share your screen.

  • Hi Val, Skype is the one Social Media tool I use that makes me feel like I am really getting to know a person. Hearing their voice and possibly seeing them in a video chat box takes the process of developing a strong bond to a new level!

  • Hi David! Glad to know you picked up some useful tips! it sounds like you are already using skype effectively. Congratulations! 🙂

  • Hi Christine, Getting over the “video hurdle” is something everyone has to do to take their business to the next level. Skype is a nice tool for getting comfortable with seeing yourself live and in technicolor. 🙂 let me know how it goes for you!

  • Hi Don, I know…it isn’t quite the ugly stepchild of social media, but it comes close because it is overlooked and underutilized. In time, I think more people will discover its power to connect with people they meet on Facebook and other social media sites and never go back!

  • Hi Michaele, You are definitely the skype Queen, in my opinion! You are the one person I know who really uses skype well…very impressive to me! But as you point out, it crosses borders and brings people from all around the world closer together. I have loved our mastermind calls and look forward to more using skype, of course! 🙂

  • Hi David, Yes, it is so easy to overlook the most obvious…the things right in front of us! Glad you have a new appreciation for this marvelous little tool called skype! 🙂

  • Hi Jacqueline, I look forward to learning more about what skype can do, like conducting a webinar, as you mention here. Skype really is a nifty little piece of technology that adds so much value to building our relationships with others! Thanks for sharing your experiences with skype! 🙂

  • This is a great reminder, Mary Lou, of the power of Skype and I love your analogy of being “picked last” I use Skype IM all day, but after reading your post, I am going to explore the capabilities of this little giant. Thanks! Val

  • Hi Val, skype is so often overlooked, perhaps because it is always there, ready to go, without being “in your face.” Funny how that works both online and off! Glad my post helped you! 🙂

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