Years ago, when I first got started in my Network Marketing business, I attended a training at which one of the top Field Leaders spoke to us about being successful.

His question to everyone in the room was, “Are you treating what you’re doing here like a hobby or a business? Because this can become a really expensive hobby if you aren’t careful!”

Everyone laughed, because everyone knew he was right. And, in all honesty, I think 8 out of 10 of us sitting there that day had never thought about what we were doing in quite those terms. And…I think 8 out of 10 of us were guilty of the hobby approach vs. a bonafide business approach.

Fast-forward to the world today, of the Social Media explosion and of people taking their dreams of success online. The question still holds power, only now it can be applied to what people are doing with their time online as they pursue their dreams of success.

After a particularly incredible Mastermind Tribe call last night, during which a seasoned online veteran shared many valuable insights and wisdom with those of us who are newer to this game, I was reminded of what that leader said in training that day all those years ago.

And I had to ask myself the question — again: “Am I treating my online efforts like a hobby…or a business?”

And I realized I was not happy with my answer.

The reason anyone goes into business is to offer solutions to problems people have, with the intent of earning money as a result of solving those problems. If you do not have a clear idea yet of what problems you can especially solve for people through your products or services, then as of now, you merely have an online hobby, perhaps with a blog, certainly with the Facebook and Twitter communities where finding new friends and reading feeds can be a lot of fun.

But are those things putting money in your pocket?

Because the truth is, if you aren’t seeing dollars in your bank account each month as a result of what you are doing online, you have a hobby. Pure and simple. And that may be fine with you, which is certainly okay with everyone else.

But… if you entered this arena with ideas of creating income for yourself through your efforts, the time is now to take a good hard look at the activities you do each day that lead you closer to those dollar signs in your bank account each month.

The key is, if you are crystal clear about what you are doing every day and why you are doing it, putting in the hours to create an asset that will pay you for years and years to come long after the work you did initially to get there is finished, then you are among the elite few who truly have an online business.

The 3 big takeaways I took from that call last night are these:

1. At the end of the day, everything you do online needs to lead you to having the ability to talk with new people in order to find out if you can help them solve their particular problem.

2. If you have a blog, it needs to be focused on the solutions you offer and branding You, Inc.

3. There are no short cuts to success and big residual dollars online, just as they aren’t any short cuts to success and big residual dollars offline, either.

That call last night was a reality check for me. It was as if the Universe knew I needed to hear that message. Today I have taken a step back from what I have created so far to see what I have done well and what I still need to do. One thing is for sure: I still have a lot of growing pains to go through to get where I want to be. But I am grateful for the reminder and hope my own story is an inspiration to others who perhaps need a little jolt of reality just like I did.

It’s Time to Take It to The Next Level! Who’s with Me?



Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Oftentimes, in making an effort online, we loose sight of our intentions. Hence, we reap no benefits. I do agree that we have to provide something that will help others. Though it’s hard at first to find what we can offer, at least we can learn as we go along. 🙂

  • Mary Lou,
    You share a very powerful point here. I can remember a few years back hearing that same message. “Are you treating your business like a hobby or a business”. Treating it like a hobby leaves you with a hobby income. I’m guessing most of us don’t want a hobby income but that a lot of us are working a hobby.

    Online business is pretty similar to offline. There are many of the same core principles. Connect with new people, see if there is something you can help them with and offer your expertise to solve their problem. In the online world a lot of this is done a little differently through the social sites. The trap we face as you point out is how easy it is to become distracted and sucked in to all the networking and socializing taking place online. The next thing you know hours have gone by and no money making activities have taken place.

    I’ve found myself in this circle from time to time. I’m still adjusting to the online world. You make a good point to spend time and focus on what you’re doing and why you’re in business online. Thanks for sharing your insight. It sounds like I missed a great call.

  • Hey Mary Lou,

    This is on point. I think this is the main reason so many people fail because they think they can get online and network with folks in all of the social media sites and like magic, they’ll make money.

    Most people fail not because they’re in the wrong business. It’s because they don’t have business in them.

    To YOUR Success,


  • I think the challenge when ‘finding’ people to solve problems for is the people taking over our day. How to streamline those people so we take care of the solution and dont loose countless hours fishing, chatting, blogging, posting and answering has been my delimma and I can easily see a day disappear. So…..HELP! LOL!

  • Hey Walter, You are right about needing some time to discover what we are “good” at when it comes to helping others, but once we know what that is, game on! I appreciate you stopping by! 🙂

  • Don, Your comments are incredible. Thank you for sharing your own experiences with the pitfalls ALL of us encounter at one time or another as we build our businesses, whether online or off! What’s cool to me is we are all “adjusting” to the online world, so the learning curve is high for everyone. Truly an exciting time to be an entrepreneur!

  • Hi Rodney, Yes indeed…the illusion that all you need to do is go online, set up a website, and watch the dollars start rolling in is just that: an illusion. Great comment. I appreciate you stopping by! 🙂

  • Indeed, things can get overwhelming if we don’t stay focused on our specific goals! So many distractions…thanks for your honesty! 🙂

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