S-2-S, or Success to Significance, becomes important to many Entrepreneurs as their businesses mature.

We all know life is so much more than the money we earn. But we also know that money gives us choices, and allows us to do things of significance that not having money doesn’t allow.

I think everyone would agree that having money beats not having money any day! 🙂

But…what comes beyond the money? If earning money becomes the only pursuit, life becomes awfully shallow awfully fast.

I believe that Success is made up of so much more than how many zeros are in my bank account or what kind of car I drive. What I do with the Success I get is the truest measure of my character, and that is why I created this page on my blog: to inspire readers to think about their legacy and their significance…

What will you leave behind?

What footprint do your steps leave in the sand as you walk through your life?

Are you just about accumulating massive wealth for selfish reasons or do you have a bigger picture for how your Success can lead to Significance for others?

Unfortunately, so much of what is shown online associated with home based businesses and internet marketing has to do with material things. Websites feature expensive cars, mansions overlooking the ocean, beautiful toned people wandering hand-in-hand along sandy beaches, even stacks of money piled as high as the Empire State Building…

Seriously, if these things are all that attract someone to a home based business, I will be the first to say they have their priorities out of alignment. While no one will argue that the finer things in life are nice, they are NOT the centerpiece of a Life Well Lived. Knowing who you are, loving who you are, creating lifelong friendships, sharing your gifts with others, paying forward your knowledge and wisdom…these are but a few of the cornerstone values all truly successful entrepreneurs embrace.

One of the best ways to gain perspective and encouragement in your personal journey toward significance as an entrepreneur is to study the experiences of others who have gone before you. I personally recommend reading the stories of other Independent Business Owners who have walked the path you are considering walking. As you read these stories, you’ll gain insights, ideas and inspiration that may guide your own journey.

A great place to start is your local bookstore or library. Reading biographies and autobiographies of people who have made the shift from S-2-S are so inspirational. In their struggles and triumphs you will see elements of your own journey.

Keep an eye out for future posts as I will be featuring some stories of entrepreneurs I respect and admire who embody the truest spirit of S-2-S…in the meantime, who are some people you know of who have made the shift from success to significance? Leave a comment and let me know!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Hi Mary Lou,

    Interesting take on the viewpoint of why do you want to be successful? Most people call it their why, others call it their goals or purposes.

    Success to significance! Great phrase.


  • Love it Mary Lou!
    You hit it right on with the real reason to look for success. It’s not about the accumulation of money, it’s all about what you can offer the world through following your dreams.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts today,

  • Beautiful post Mary Lou! Thank you so much for your perspective on true success. I love the Legacy aspect because a truly successful business is one that can run with or without you, and do even better long after you leave this planet.

    Kellie 🙂

  • Great post.

    Lot’s of money is great to have. Nice cars are fun to drive. Big houses are fun to decorate. But they are all just things.

    Great friendships are worth millions, great families are worth trillions.

    Thanks for sharing,


  • Indeed, the most valuable elements of life have no price tag on them. However, life is a lot more fun when you have the means to fund all the things you love to do with your loved ones! 🙂

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