March 19, 2021

Great Expectations and Great Horned Owls

by Mary Lou Kayser in Writing0 Comments

We have several Great Horned Owls living in the woods by our house. We hear them every night like clockwork -- hooting and carrying on with each other. It's really amazing and wonderful!

Our neighbor spotted one of them in a tree across from our houses today and I was able to capture this photo. I don't have a super fancy telephoto lens but am pleased with what I got.

Seeing a great horned owl wasn’t on my to-do list today.

Yet -- it was one of those unexpected surprises that was easy to say yes to. I walked away from my computer, grabbed my camera and tripod, and spent 15 minutes looking at the owl and taking pictures of it from several different angles.

The opportunity to see a great horned owl sitting in a tree across from your house isn’t something that comes along every day.

Yes, work still needs to get done and yes, sometimes there are too many Zoom calls in one day.

Schedule disruptions and last-minute changes can be a real pain. Who hasn’t had to rearrange their schedule to accommodate an unexpected detour?

The thing is, when you put a lot of pressure on yourself to always show up, to always be at your best, to always know the answer…

You risk burning out.


I’ve been hearing from several people lately -- good, hardworking business owners and freelancers, by the way -- that they are tired.

I get it.

You might be tired, too.

While this whole online scene over the past year has been a blessing, allowing us to stay connected with colleagues, friends, and family, it has also created the perception that everyone can always “be on.”

Stanford recently published this article about why Zoom makes you tired and ways to combat the fatigue that comes from video chatting.

I’ve been known to hold myself to high expectations in work and life. I like to be a part of as many experiences that matter to me as I can.

I’ve also learned that high expectations don't equal going full tilt all day every day.

It’s okay to take a break. To not get on every call just because you can.

Seeing a great horned owl in a tree in the middle of the day is a fantastic reminder of that, too.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

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