February 28, 2010

Simple Ways to Make Sure Your Internet Marketing Videos Enhance Your Personal Brand

by Mary Lou Kayser in Strategy7 Comments

Okay, so you have discovered the power and potential of online marketing, particularly with videos. With the vast resources out there on the World Wide Web for publishing and promoting your internet marketing videos, the possibilities of creating your personal brand using video have never been greater, or faster. And in today’s business world, speed is everything!

Part of the power of internet marketing videos is its duplication factor. Anyone with a web cam or camcorder can film themselves and their message and within a matter of minutes, launch it across the web. And even though it will seem like I am about to contradict what I just wrote in the introduction, I am actually not: don’t rush your video production. Speed is not your friend when it comes to making quality videos or creating your personal brand. In the long run, investing the time to get videos made well will benefit you, your efforts, and your personal brand tremendously.

The number one reason is obvious: your video marketing campaign is promoting YOU and YOUR offer. With every video you make, you are creating your personal brand. Unless your goal is to be known as the newest Jackass on the Internet, and you honestly don’t care about what your video looks like as long as it gets out there, it pays to take your time. Investing that extra hour or two to get your takes right, clean, and attractive will give you a higher return on your time investment in the long run.

Why? Generally speaking, people are attracted to quality. We just are. While we may enjoy watching low-ball stunts and cute kittens toddling around, when it comes to business and buying decisions, we are particular and will try to get the most quality for the lowest price. We want to buy from people we like, who attract us to them because we feel we can trust them. Even when we can’t get the price as low as we’d like, in the end, statistics show that people will spend a little extra money, or upgrade, to get what they really want, rather than the other way around.

Another reason taking the time can play in your favor is because as an online video marketer, one of your goals is to get a high number of views. I have spent a lot of time recently studying videos online as a means to understanding what attracts viewers to them. What exactly gets some videos 5, 6,even 7-figure digit view counts while others of similar type are barely watched at all? There is definitely something going on, and it’s not necessarily how long the video has been available to view, although that does play into the view count in certain instances.

What my informal research has revealed across all categories of videos is the ones that get the highest view counts are the ones that have a special factor that touches our emotions – they are cute, funny, disgusting,titillating, raunchy, whatever. But something about them speaks to us, so content plays a huge role.

But I also noticed that for internet marketing videos, the ones getting a lot of views are simply made well. I’m not talking Hollywood production quality, either. I am talking about the video’s creator clearly paid attention to little details that matter like lighting, sound, background, and attire, as well as message (aka CONTENT).

And while I am not suggesting that you can’t slap something together, upload it to you’re You Tube account, and broadcast it for the world to see, I do believe that for using videos as part of creating your personal brand, it’s important to do the following:

  • take the time to craft a script with a clear, concise message;
  • practice the script but not so much that you sound like a robot;
  • find a filming location that supports what you are saying rather than takes away from your message because it is so distracting;
  • think about how your appearance is part of what sells you, and choose your outfit and make up according to your message and goals;
  • speak slowly enough so people can understand you;
  • keep your teaser videos short, from 1-2 minutes at most – save the longer videos for your behind-the-scenes teaching once people have opted into to you;
  • finally, it’s okay to shoot multiple takes — in fact, the more you do, the higher the chances are you will get one that you really like and meets your goals!

Following these basic guidelines, you will not only create higher-quality videos, but you should see your viewer numbers rise. You will also add value to your personal brand, which, when all is said and done, is probably the most important piece of this puzzle. It may not happen overnight, but in time the word will spread that you are a person of quality and substance as opposed to the dweeb or laughing stock of the online marketing world. Certainly online video marketers want our videos spread as quickly as possible, but we want them passed around for the right reasons, not because we are the latest Internet joke.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Mary Lou,
    I like your simple tips to keep videos as top notch presentations. Alot of info I will use when doing videos.

  • Mary Lou,

    Yes, I agree! Video is hot right now and such a great way to promote yourself online. Thanks for this post! Now I am motivated to get going with adding some videos to my site 🙂
    Take care,

  • Becca, You will find that once you get going with the videos, you will really enjoy them! I look forward to seeing them as they emerge 🙂
    Mary Lou

  • Hi Mary Lou, Useful advice. I find that the biggest problem with a lot of videos is bad sound. It’s worth using a separate microphone when possible to avoid that echo-chamber sound effect.

  • Hi Jurgen, Yes, I agree that bad sound can ruin an otherwise visually appealing video. I just invested in a great external mic for this very reason! Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing this important tip.

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