I did something today I have not done in a long time.

Way too long, actually. I am embarrassed to admit it publicly like this, but I think many people will relate to what I am about to write.

I called my most loyal customers and thanked them for their business.

The funny thing is, while I suspect my unexpected message of appreciation made their day a little brighter (as it would mine if I received a heartfelt thanks), thanking them really made my day super!

I am not saying this in a stuck up way, either. This is just the simple paradox of saying thank you. It had not occurred to me before today how much saying thank you can boost your spirits, let alone those of the recipient. It stands to reason, though, doesn’t it, because saying thank you is grounded in the essence of giving, which is so rewarding, a perfect win-win!

Unsolicited, genuine words of gratitude are in short supply in these busy times and I believe we as entrepreneurs need to do a better job of reaching out to our faithful customers to let them know how much they mean to us. I’m not suggesting we are ungrateful — I am simply suggesting that it is an area that most people can improve in, most especially yours truly.

One of the goals I set for this year is to practice more acts of gratitude through little gestures like sending hand written notes to people and making calls like I did this morning. It did not take much time for me to dial those numbers and leave a short, yet sincere voice mail of thanks.

One of the people I called this morning even called me back on her drive home from work to tell me how great it was to hear from me and how she and her husband still love the products they order every month. Just hearing her voice, connecting with her about her children and catching up on what she and her husband are up to these days was another boost, and reaffirmed my commitment to connecting with my customers more often.

At the end of the day, no matter what we do as entrepreneurs, we have to remember we are in the people business. And it pays to recognize how much we appreciate the people that make our businesses thrive month after month, year after year.

What stories of gratitude do you have to share? I would enjoy hearing them, so go ahead and post!

Spread the gratitude!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Mary Lou,
    Thank you for this lovely sharing. I absolutely agree – saying, thinking, writing THANK YOU has a very powerful effect. The explanation why is that we are mostly water and water is alive and actually understands our vibrations. Water responds in a very happy way to the phrase ‘thank you’ – there are famous water crystals showing the beauty with which water responds to ‘thank you’. So when you truly think, say or write ‘thank you’ to yourself or others, you are raising the vibration of water in them and in you and the magic manifests. There is a whole science behind it and I am very passionate about it. Thank you for sharing!
    Love and gratitude,
    Venus 🙂

  • Hi Venus, What an amazing response to my post! I love your passion and your energy for the natural energies that move all around us! I know very little about the science of water and crystals, but recognize how powerful these things are in the grand scheme of things and how out of touch most people are with their natural “vibe.” Thank you for being who you are! 🙂

  • Aloha Mary Lou:
    Thank you for sharing your post. True, I’ve made special calls “only” during the holidays to thank my faithful and loyal customers for doing business with me, however, you made me realize that making those special calls can be done anytime. I am always thankful for the “new” customers and it’s easy to say thank you when they make a purchase. I just remembered it’s those loyal ones that create the residual check.
    I have a personal habit every morning and evening to write in a gratitude journal, this has also helped me to make it a habit that the word and feeling of thank you leaves my lips every morning upon rising and every night I go to bed.

    Mahalo for sharing,
    Shannon Tecson

  • Shannon, Keeping a gratitude journal is so powerful! Congratulations for being disciplined in that area. I believe writing down the little simple things that make us happy and thankful each reinforces the positive in our lives. Thanks for writing! 🙂

  • I love this article on gratitude Mary Lou! The attitude of gratitude makes such a difference in one’s life! Anytime I am having a challenge, I go back to being grateful for all that we are blessed with in our beautiful life!

    Mahalo (thank you) for this beautiful post.

    Kellie 🙂

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