March 10, 2010

What Internet Dating Teaches Us about Building Successful Home Based Businesses Online

by Mary Lou Kayser in Writing3 Comments

Internet Dating and Online Business Building and Marketing have a lot in common.

Consider the following “steps” most people go through who are looking online for someone to meet:

Step 1: Explore the possibilities through photos and profiles on sites like, eHarmony, etc.
Step 2: Invite people of interest to connect with you via email and/or phone.
Step 3: Develop a relationship with interested parties through email and/or phone.
Step 4: Set up a time to get together face to face for that First Date!

That’s right! The ultimate goal is to meet. In person. How novel that sounds in today’s online world where entire relationships can be created in virtual communities without ever having to leave the comfort of your computer.

And, as anyone who has ever gone on a first date, you know that you are usually NOT looking to get married to that person (and anyone who is…well, I will just leave that one alone). The first date is all about discovery, chemistry, seeing if the experience warrants a call-back, and just having a good time. We all know that sometimes what looks fantastic online turns out not to be so great offline, and vice versa.

The same is true for building a successful home based business online. Here are the steps many go through:

Step #1: We set out to attract people to us who may become our business partners and clients using Social Media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.
Step #2: With those people who are attracted to us, we develop a relationship using email and/or phone.
Step #3: Next, we ask them to go on a “first date” with us by checking out the company we represent to see if there is a “match” for them. Because even though people ultimately join people in business, with Network Marketing, the company also plays a significant factor. This “date” will help them discover if either of you wants to ultimately go on a second date.
Step #4: If the feedback to this point has been positive, eventually parties will have to meet in person, although perhaps not as often as people met in the past. The game has changed in that respect because of technology. For long term prosperity and success, however, I believe developing a relationship with your business partners offline is essential.

The good news is, if you have done a thorough job of developing your personal brand online, and are who-you-say-you-are, the offline relationship will be that much richer more quickly because people will already feel like they know you. You will also increase the odds of getting that second date, and then a third with the right kind of people for you and YOUR business. You will also be able to weed out anyone who isn’t right for your business, and this alone can save you hundreds of hours of your precious time over the long run.

Just like with Internet Dating, building your home business online will take time and a few misses along the way. The good news is, when someone doesn’t work out for you, there are still plenty of others who will! You just need to keep on being the best you possible. Ultimately, doing that will reward you beyond your wildest dreams.


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Now I never would have put those two topics together, but you did a fantastic job! They really are that similar. Huh, makes ya think, doesn’t it. 🙂

    Very true words Mary Lou. Thanks for sharing what is now so obvious,

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