February 24, 2010

Video Tips for Your Blog Part 2: Using Lighting and Camera Angles to Look Really Good Online

by Mary Lou Kayser in Strategy8 Comments

Watch this video about how to utilize two simple video production strategies that will help you look really good on camera!

Looking good on video is not as difficult as you might think, especially when you pay attention to two very important elements: lighting and camera angles. Did you notice in the video above how different I looked when I changed the lighting for video and the camera angles?

The key points to remember for looking good on video are:

1. Make sure the light source, whether natural or artificial, is behind the camera, NOT behind you, the subject.
2. Angle the camera down slightly at you or your subject for a very flattering look.

These are simple strategies, yet can be easily overlooked, especially when you are new to video production or are in a hurry to get a video made for your blog.

Remember that videos communicate in a powerful way. Paying attention to your lighting and camera angles can really make a difference between good results and amazing results! (Also making sure you don’t cut off part of your head when you are self-filming is important…oops!)

If you have any simple lighting or angle tips you would like to share, please do so in the comment section below!

Happy filming! 🙂


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Those were some great tips Mary Lou. One thing I would add to what you were saying is that people really like movement. If you can get someone else to film you while your walking or doing something outside this really captures peoples attention. I think I remember hearing Mark Hoverson talking about one video that really sticks out in his mind is one of someone walking around in Wall-Mart filming, this is something you don’t see everyday it sticks out from the Norm. Great tips Mary Lou!

  • Christian,
    You are right about movement — and it was Mark Hoverson who said that about the video in Wal-Mart! Thanks for this. You and I will have to get together soon and film for each other! 🙂

  • Hey Mary Lou,

    I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video (unless it’s on TV) that’s as crystal clear as yours. Even the thumbnail is perfect!
    Although I was aware of having the light coming in from the front, I had never thought about angle. Boy did you illustrate an awesome contrast. The entire mood of your video changed once you started looking down. And you are right about appearing dominant, as it really did some of your lovely softness away from that angle.

    Thanks for the tips and I look forward to doing my next video looking slightly up and from the side 🙂


  • Hi Michaele,
    I appreciate the feedback. Videos are becoming more and more central to our work as Internet Marketers, and when you are just starting out, little things like lighting and angle can make a huge difference in the finished product. Glad you found this tutorial useful! I look forward to seeing YOUR new videos soon! 🙂

  • Very helpful tips. Got to get a tripod and setup lights. Background setting seem to help where you work or outdoors. Guess your message is helped if coordinated with background.

    Made all the mistakes you point out.

    Keep up the great work!

  • Hi Alan,
    Thanks for the kind feedback! Coordinating your filming background with your message is an excellent tip. It’s part of the whole package of how we present ourselves to our audiences, isn’t it?

  • Aloha Mary Lou,

    What a beautiful smile you have! Thank you so much for your incredible tips on video lighting and angles! Wow, I never saw it that way. I am so glad you shared these tips with us today. I am on my way to creating more videos and now, you have equipped me in making sure I have proper lighting and the right angles!!

    Mahalo (thank you),
    Kellie 🙂

  • Hi Kellie! Thanks for stopping by! So glad my posts about making videos and the new economy were useful to you. I look forward to seeing your new videos soon, right? 🙂 Love your energy!

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