Ever wondered why you do things the way you do? Or why others do what they do?

For example, why are some people such great connectors, while others just plow through life, moving from A to B, without batting an eye?

Dr. Taylor Hartman, a great friend of mine, has spent his professional life studying people and their motives. In his best-selling book, The People Code, Dr. Hartman shares insights into the four core motives that drive all of us. Yes, you read that correctly: all of us can be found within the pages of his book. There is no arguing with what he has discovered about what makes each of us tick! Believe me, I have tried 🙂

And no, this is not some gimmicky personality quiz, either — this is the real deal, with years and years of case studies under his belt and time-tested evidence.

I cannot say enough about Taylor Hartman and the contributions he has made to understanding ourselves and others. I encourage anyone reading this post who is serious about personal development and becoming a better person to take 15 minutes and take the f-ree online quiz found here:

The People Code Online Quiz

Once you know your core color, I invite you to share your results with me! I have several years experience working with this model and love to help others learn the power of Dr. Hartman’s discoveries. I get no compensation for doing this, either…I simply love introducing people to Taylor and his work because he has helped me get myself as well as others in a way no one else has. If you want to read his books, you can find them listed here in my Leaders Are Readers section.

So, once you know your primary color, let me hear from all of you Blues, Reds, Yellows and Whites!


Mary Lou Kayser

Mary Lou Kayser is a bestselling author, poet, and host of the Play Your Position podcast. Over the course of her unique career, she has influenced thousands of people to become more powerful as leaders, writers, and thinkers in their respective professional practices. She writes, teaches, and speaks about universal insights, ideas, and observations that empower audiences worldwide how to bet on themselves.

  • Mary Lou,
    Great article. I will have to put this book on my list of have to have’s. By the way, I am a Blue with White as secondary. 🙂 Exactly as I thought. Thanks for the wonderful info!

  • Val, Thanks for sharing your color with me! Had you taken Taylor’s test before reading this post? Or did you have a gut feeling about which color you were before taking it based on the descriptions? What I love so much about Taylor’s work is the focus is on motive…what drives us at the end of the day. He says we all come into the world already programmed, and since I have two children, I KNOW this to be true! (My daughter is a Red and my son is a Blue with secondary Yellow and that’s how they came to me.) Thanks again!

  • Hi Mary Lou~

    Thanks for sharing this book! I haven’t read this one, but am very passionate about personality types/ communication styles. According to this quiz I’m a red ~ I haven’t seen white before, so would be interested to know how he breaks this down. Will read for sure!

    I took a course a while back called the Communication Matrix, and was one of the very rare people (according to our trainer) who scored equally in all 4 quadrants! A blessing in that I could connect with all the other types easily, and a curse because people would have a hard time pegging me. Anyhow, I would definitely love to connect with you ~ we seem to have MUCH in common!

    Your blog is rockin, keep it up! 🙂

  • HI Beth,
    Thanks for posting and sharing your color! As a Red, you are motivated by Power, by getting things done — you know, moving from A to B in as little time as possible with maximum results at the end! Reds are the Movers and Shakers of the world, natural leaders (when they are healthy — Taylor goes into detail about the difference between a Healthy Color and an Unhealthy Color). If you are into the whole personality/communication type thing, Taylor will definitely resonate with you, I guarantee!

    I look forward to our continued connection through blogging and the Tribe! We definitely do seem to have a lot in common!

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